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D-Doc/Out of Hours GP: 0818 22 44 76
185 New Cabra Road, Dublin 7, D07 FR52

Winter Appointment Demand - Viral Illness - Childhood Illness Advice

Sirona Medical - Dublin 7 GP Practice > News > Uncategorised > Winter Appointment Demand – Viral Illness – Childhood Illness Advice
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Winter Appointment Demand

We are experiencing a very, very high demand for appointments at the moment. This is the case for most healthcare settings, as has been widely publicised in the media. We will offer you the next available appointment when you request to be seen by a Doctor. If we do not have an appointment available on the day and you feel you need to be seen urgently, we will offer you a place on our Cancellation List. The Cancellation List operates on a daily basis and does not roll over to the next day. You will be asked to outline your symptoms so the Doctors can triage the list, and prioritise according to medical need.

If you cannot be seen on the day, and no appointment becomes available, you may wish to contact D-Doc (the Out of Hours GP service) at Tel. 0818-22 44 76 which is available from 6pm weekdays, and 24 hours at weekends and Bank Holidays. D-Doc is for genuinely Urgent appointments – please only attend D-Doc if you cannot wait to be seen. In the case of emergency, please go to your local A&E department or contact 112/999 for an ambulance.

Advice on Treating Common Symptoms

If you or your family members have cold, flu, head cold symptoms or high temperatures, you can visit www.undertheweather.ie for practical advice from Doctors and Nurses on how you can treat these symptoms at home. If you have flu or head cold symptoms, it is possible that you may have Covid-19 – you can click here to read more here about the symptoms of Covid-19 and what you should do to treat the symptoms.

For children who have colds, coughs and symptoms of viral infections, the HSE have some excellent advice and resources available if you click here. Most of the time you do not need to visit a GP if your child has a viral illness. The HSE and HPSC have also set out when children should stay out of school with common illnesses and when they can return. There is no need for a note or letter to say your child has a childhood or viral illness – you can show your school / creche the HSE advice on this graphic.

Flu Vaccine still available!

The flu vaccine is strongly recommended for anyone aged 65 and over, for pregnant women and for those with a range of chronic medical conditions, including asthma, COPD, diabetes and cardiac disease. We still have a limited number of flu vaccines available. You can get more information about the flu vaccine here and can book in now for a flu vaccine by calling Reception for an appointment at (01) 868 0242.