We are sorry to advise that we will only receive 50% of the vaccines we need this week to vaccinate the 75-79 years age group. The HSE has not been able to provide the full amount of vaccines that we requested for this cohort. This means that half of our patients in this age range will be vaccinated this week and we expect the remaining 50% will be vaccinated in two week’s time (week beginning 5th April 2021).
We understand the disappointment this causes for patients and share your upset and frustration at this situation. Unfortunately, this shortfall is beyond our control. As you may know from widespread media reports, the HSE does not have enough supply of vaccines and therefore many GP practices around the country are getting less vaccines than required this week. The HSE has given assurances that they will have sufficient supply from April onwards and we are very hopeful that we can get all of our over 70s patient fully vaccinated by the end of May as planned. Second doses for those aged over 85 will take place this week as scheduled.
If you have not been contacted with an appointment to receive the vaccine this week, please be assured we will contact you as soon as vaccines are available (expected in 2 week’s time). Please do not call the surgery for an appointment as we will be contacting everyone on the list in due course.